What is Guerrilla Marketing: 2022 Complete Guide

Guerrilla Marketing Examples

Guerrilla marketing is an advertising technique whose objective is to highlight products or services in an unconventional way and with little budget. This form of inbound marketing was initially designed for small businesses with limited marketing budgets. Of course, we know of large companies using this strategy with sometimes much larger budgets. We have told you about the #REDOffreMoiUniPhone campaign by RED, SFR, which was all the rage at the beginning of 2021 for an almost zero budget.

Activities in public places initially characterized guerrilla marketing actions. We have all received a brochure in our hands while walking down a shopping street. Today, these strategies extend to digital marketing and have taken an essential place in social networks. The main objective of guerrilla marketing is to strongly impact minds to ensure maximum spread rate through word of mouth and sharing of campaign information. Therefore, the emotional appeal of a guerrilla marketing strategy is essential.

Pros and cons of guerrilla marketing

Today we will introduce guerrilla marketing. What it is, how to become a guerrilla marketer, and how you can use it. The term “guerrilla warfare” refers to the tactics of military groups that carry out raids, sabotage and ambushes, hence the term for marketing.

Throughout the year, every day, every moment, we are bombarded with information and promotions from various companies. We all fight for the moment of our attention and we are becoming more and more resistant to various marketing activities. What will make a company stand out in the sea of ​​marketing messages?

This type of marketing used to be used only in the real world, on the streets and in different places, but today we have the Internet. Through it, we can reach our target audience more easily and very effectively.

But the first signs of guerrilla marketing did not appear until 1984, in the hands of American business writer Jay Conrad Levinson, in his book “Guerrilla Marketing: Secrets to Making Big Profits from Your Small Business.”

Definition of viral marketing

Today we will introduce guerrilla marketing. What it is, how to become a guerrilla marketer, and how you can use it. The term “guerrilla warfare” refers to the tactics of military groups carrying out raids, sabotage and ambushes, hence the term for marketing.

Throughout the year, every day, every moment, we are bombarded with information and promotions from various companies. We all fight for the moment of our attention and we are becoming more and more resistant to various marketing activities. What will make a company stand out in the sea of ​​marketing messages?

This type of marketing used to be used only in the real world, on the streets and in different places, but today we have the Internet. Through it, we can reach our target audience more easily and very effectively.

But the first signs of guerrilla marketing did not appear until 1984, in the hands of American business writer Jay Conrad Levinson, in his book “Guerrilla Marketing: Secrets to Making Big Profits from Your Small Business.”

Ambush Marketing Definition Spanish

But guerrilla marketing is not a combative form of communication. In fact, it is a very unconventional form of marketing, as it introduces the brand to large audiences without interrupting them.

The term itself was created in the early 1980s by the late business writer Jay Conrad Levinson, who wrote several books on guerrilla tactics in various professional fields. Of course, back then, marketing in general looked very different, and while guerrilla marketing is still used today, the ever-expanding digital landscape is changing its look.

When we hear the term “guerrilla marketing”, it is difficult not to think of guerrilla warfare, which makes sense, since that is where the name of this style of marketing comes from. In the context of warfare, guerrilla tactics rely heavily on the element of surprise. Think: “Ambush, sabotage, robbery,” according to Creative Guerrilla Marketing.

But how does this translate to the work we do every day? In the field of marketing, guerrilla techniques play above all on the element of surprise. It’s about creating very unconventional campaigns that surprise people in the course of their daily routines.

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